Choosing the emergency backup generator that’s right for you can be tricky. The internet is full of information, but where do you even start? One thing’s for sure: Doing the research during a power outage is not an option. When the power goes out, the internet goes down too. It’s best to do your research ahead of time. Here are the types of emergency backup generators, so you can best decide which one is right for your home.


Permanent Emergency Backup Generators

Also known as standby emergency backup generators, permanent emergency backup generators are standing by, ready for a power outage. A permanent generator stays set up, even when your power is working. That way, if the power should go out suddenly, your generator can immediately switch over, so you’ll only feel “powerless” for a few moments—at most.

These types of generators are usually reserved for large institutions, like schools, which require a steady current of electricity to keep the business “machine” going. Since larger institutions are usually the buildings that need permanent generators, their demand is low, so the prices are high: $5,000 on average.

If you work from home, you may still consider a permanent generator. It’s a long-term investment that can save you a lot of hassle in the long run.

Portable Emergency Backup Generators

Portable emergency backup generators are the type usually purchased for small residences. Power outages don’t happen on the time, but when they do, you’ll have time to turn on the flashlight on your smartphone, locate your portable generator and set it up. At most, the setup will be a minor inconvenience in a household, whereas in a business, it could mean a lot of money gets lost in the dark.

If you’re a homeowner, in an area that doesn’t have many storms, and you don’t have faulty wiring, then a portable emergency backup generator is right for you. It costs anywhere from $500 to $1,500, much more reasonable than the permanent generator price of $5,000.

Once you’ve decided to buy a portable generator, instead of a permanent one, you’ll need to consider the size that’s right for your home and your electrical needs.

Medium Emergency Backup Generators

There’s no such thing as a small backup generator. Returning power to your home is a “medium” sized job at least; that’s why we’re starting with the medium emergency backup generator in our list of portable generators.

Consider your electrical needs. You can find out how many kilowatts of electricity you use a day, on average, by consulting your electric bill. Your electric company may even send you weekly emails that detail your electrical usage. Take this into account when choosing your generator size.

Medium generators can produce 1,000 to 5,000 watts of electricity.

Large Emergency Backup Generators

The next size up in emergency backup generators is large. A large generator can accommodate 6,000 to 8,000 watts of electricity. If you have a larger house or an older house (with poor insulation) then you may use more electricity on average, which means you’ll need at least a large backup generator.

Extra Large Emergency Backup Generators

An extra-large emergency backup generator is for people with large houses, with lots of occupants, that have electricity going at all hours: the central air system, multiple internet modems, desktop computers, several phones being charged at once, multiple large appliances (multiple refrigerators, washers and dryers, multiple ovens, and more).

An extra-large generator can produce 10,000 to 17,500 watts of electricity.

Ready to purchase a backup generator? Call Weeks Service Co. today!