Drain Cleaner Residential

Full-Time League City, TX


Must have a current Plumber’s Apprentice registration. Must have at least 4,000 hours of experience working at the trade as a Drain Cleaner Restricted Registrant, under the general supervision of a Master Plumber, as verified by employers. Proof of experience must be submitted on the Board’s “Employer’s Certification Form”. Must submit the Drain Cleaner Verification of Training Affidavit. Must submit Drain Cleaner registration application and fee.


  • 100% Paid by Company: Medical, Dental, and Life Insurance FOR THE EMPLOYEE AND THEIR ENTIRE IMMEDIATE FAMILY!
  • Earn 10 days per year in PTO in your first 5 years, 15 days per year for 5-10 years of employment, and 20 per year after 10 years of employment.
  • End of the Year Bonus
  • Potential for Monthly bonus when company hits all company monthly goals.
  • Full time hours + overtime year-round
  • Utilize company vehicle and gas during working hours (for field employees)
  • Company tablet (lead installers & technicians all departments)
  • Continuous on-going weekly training in all departments
  • Career growth opportunities with unlimited earning potential

Apply Now


    Driver License No.

    Date of Birth

    Total number of traffic violations in the last 5 years

    Have you ever been convicted of a DWI?

    Have you been convicted of a felony within the last 7 years?

    Position Applied For:

    Upload your resume

    What is your salary requirements?

    Special Skills and Qualifications

    Do you speak, read and/or write any other languages?

    Education Completed:

    Name of school and year of graduation for highest degree earned

    Employment Experience

    Start with your present or last job. Include military service assignments and volunteer activities.

    Employer 1


    Job Title


    Hourly Rate/Salary

    Work Performed

    Reason for Leaving

    Employer 2


    Job Title


    Hourly Rate/Salary

    Work Performed

    Reason for Leaving

    Employer 3


    Job Title


    Hourly Rate/Salary

    Work Performed

    Reason for Leaving

    Employer 4


    Job Title


    Hourly Rate/Salary

    Work Performed

    Reason for Leaving

    Schedule Service
    company logo (281) 738-1362

    Schedule Service

      Form submissions are only answered during normal business hours. Have an emergency? Please call 281-332-9555