Month: November 2018

Easy Methods to Avoid Power Surges

It’s just another typical weeknight. You’re kicking back, watching the latest episode of your favorite TV show while your family bustles around the house. They’re making food, flipping light switches and using different appliances when all of a sudden – zap! A power surge.

Surges bring whatever you were doing to a screeching halt. You’ve got to drop whatever you were doing to go flip a breaker or wait until the power returns – but you could’ve avoided this aggravating situation in the first place! Here are a few ways to avoid power surges from the electrical experts at Weeks Service Company.

Load Up on Surge-Protecting Power Strips

If you want a single point-of-use protector to safeguard one particularly troublesome appliance, then a surge-protecting power strip is a wise choice. These include basic surge protection inside the strip itself to help reroute potential overloads away from your appliances.

However, a word of caution. These are strikingly similar to traditional power strips – ones without surge protection added on – and it’s easy to confuse the two. Make sure that you thoroughly look over the label before purchasing one to double-check that it actually provides protection and isn’t just a collection of outlets.

Don’t Overload Outlets

Even if you do get one of those surge-protecting power strips, you don’t suddenly have unimpeded freedom to load up those outlets with a million different plugs. The surge protection does in fact work, but it isn’t an impenetrable wall against any and all electrical surges.

You still need to take care and pay mind to how many things you’ve plugged into that power strip. These things are designed to handle some measure of excess voltage, but even they will crumble under too big a spike in energy. It’s okay to plug a few things into the power strips, but don’t overload them.

Install a Whole-Home Surge Protector

On the other hand, if you just want to protect everything in your home at once and skip the piecemeal solution, invest in a whole-home surge protector. An electrician installs one of these at the source of your home’s electrical grid, so it catches any surges before they have a chance to travel through your grid.

The benefits they provide are numerous. Whole-home surge protectors handle a higher voltage load than individual power strip surge protectors are, and they last longer to boot.

Weeks Service Company: Your Surge Protection Experts

When you’re searching for an electrician in League City, don’t look any farther than the pros at Weeks Service Company. Our team members are dedicated to providing the most reliable service in the area. We’re confident you’ll find that they’ll go above and beyond to make sure you’re taken care of.

Surge protection is no match for our electricians. They’ll work with you to devise the right solution and you’ll never have to worry about your appliances being fried.

Give us a call at 346-595-7575 to find out more about our surge-protection services!

Get Your Furnace Ready for Winter

Since we’re in Texas, we don’t have to endure the harsher winters that our neighbors in other parts of the country do. However, the temperatures are still going to drop significantly compared to the sweltering summers, so it makes sense to do your due diligence and prepare your furnace for the colder months ahead.

But what exactly does that look like? “Preparing your furnace” is a vague and imprecise phrase, so that doesn’t give you a whole lot of direction. Well, have no fear! We’ve taken a few of our most reliable and time-tested furnace-preparation tips and compiled them here for you. Take the time to perform a few of them, and you and your family will be cozy and comfortable all winter long!

Flip That Filter

One of the most essential components of your HVAC system isn’t a complicated mechanical part or a flimsy metal duct. Although those are indeed important, your air filter is just as integral. While you should be replacing your air filter every 30 days, we recommend going ahead and switching it out again before beginning to use your furnace.

The sudden change in airflow (from AC to furnace) can play tricks on your HVAC system, so it make sense to start with a clean slate, so to speak. That way, this brand-new filter will only be screening air that has been heated.

Test it First

Similarly, we highly suggest testing your furnace ahead of time to make sure it’s all working properly. We’d hate for the temperatures to drop and have you flip on your furnace, only to discover that some part has gotten jarred loose or a faulty pilot light won’t ignite correctly.

Just take a few minutes to test your furnace now while you can still afford to live comfortably without running it. That way, you’ll be able to schedule an inspection or appointment with a technician who will fix your issue before it gets too cold.

Have It Inspected

This piggybacks off the previous tip, but it’s arguably more important. You can do all the home-DIY jobs in the world to safeguard your furnace from leakage and breaks, but only the eye of a trained professional will catch everything.

That’s why it’s critical to schedule a comprehensive inspection when winter rolls around. An expert will notice things you’d never dream of seeing, and they’ll be able to tell you which problems need fixing now — and which ones can wait.

In fact, a lot of manufacturer’s warranties and maintenance clubs require yearly inspections around this time of year for that exact reason. We recommend the same, because we think you’ll be better off for it.

Weeks Service Company: Handling All Your Furnace-Related Requests and Concerns

When you’re in the market for a service provider that won’t nickel and dime you for a smidgen of profit, one that will treat you with respect and professionalism, but one that will still take care of everything you need, we’ve got you covered.

Weeks Service Company is your trusted furnace service provider. Whether you’ve sprung a leak, need a prompt repair or anything in-between, just give us a shout!

We’re always willing to work with you to find out what needs fixing. Give us a call at 346-595-7575 for more information!