Month: November 2021

[Infographic] Should You Cover Your AC Unit For Fall and Winter?

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[Infographic] Should You Cover Your AC Unit For Fall and Winter?

As the leaves change and cooler temperatures creep in, homeowners start contemplating covering outdoor AC units and winterizing their homes. Here are the pros and cons of doing so.

Covering Outdoor AC Unit: PROS

  • It keeps the interior of your AC unit cleaner so it could run more productively the next time you use it.
  • A cover will keep leaves, debris and water from coming inside the unit.
  • A cover that guards the condenser without touching the unit itself can keep the elements and animals away.

Covering Outdoor AC Unit: CONS

  • Covering the entire condenser may trap dampness inside the unit, which could compromise and impact the HVAC unit’s ability to run.
  • Rodents and other animals could chew your electrical wires when they seek shelter inside your covered condenser.
  • Most manufacturers don’t suggest covering your HVAC condenser.

Got Questions?

If you have questions regarding your condenser and safety precautions during the fall and winter, contact us today.

Weeks Service Company

pros and cons hvac, hvac unit pros and cons, cover hvac unit, hvac question, infographic, hvac infographic