Category: AC maintenance

The Importance of AC Maintenance in Texas Heat

As a Texan, you know just how unbearable the summer heat can be. Your air conditioner is truly put to the test in providing relief during the long, hot months. With the extreme temperatures, it’s crucial to keep up with air conditioning maintenance. Proper AC maintenance keeps your system running efficiently all summer long. Let’s look at why AC tune-ups are so vital in Texas weather.

Save Money by Boosting Efficiency

High electricity bills are unavoidable when running your AC constantly in Texas summers. But a lack of maintenance leads to problems that force your AC to work harder, using more energy. Issues like refrigerant leaks, dirty filters, and broken parts make your system labor inefficiently to cool your home. With regular tune-ups by a professional, your AC will operate smoothly and effortlessly. Checks and cleanings optimize airflow, refrigerant levels, and parts. Your AC will no longer struggle or waste energy trying to cool. This boost in efficiency will be evident in lower electricity bills.

Extend the Lifespan of Your System

The extreme Texas climate is hard on AC systems, causing faster wear and tear. A lack of air conditioning maintenance allows issues to go undetected, accelerating the breakdown of components like compressors. Parts degrade more rapidly when problems are left unchecked. Consistent maintenance helps maximize your AC’s lifespan by spotting small issues before they become major repairs. Annual tune-ups identify and fix minor problems early.

Breathe Healthier Air

Indoor air quality matters, especially when your home has to stay tightly sealed against the sweltering outdoors. A lack of maintenance allows mold, dirt, and dust to accumulate in your AC ducts. These allergens and irritants get blown into your home’s air. Professional maintenance cleans your full system to flush out contaminants. Proper tune-ups mean cleaner, healthier air circulating through your home all summer.

Rely on Your AC in Emergencies

Texas weather brings dangerous heatwaves and summer power outages. In these critical times, a well-maintained AC can be a real lifesaver. Units riddled with lingering issues are prone to breaking down when you need them most. Don’t let your AC fail you in an emergency. Consistent maintenance reduces breakdowns by spotting problems early. Your system will be ready for the tough task of running nonstop through power outages and extreme heat.

By making air conditioning maintenance a high priority, you ensure maximum reliability, efficiency, and longevity from your system. According to Gitnux, almost 90% of households in the U.S. have air conditioning systems. If you’re looking to get your AC unit maintained, schedule an appointment with Weeks Service Company today.

Should You Cover Your AC Unit for Fall and Winter?

Should You Cover Your AC Unit for Fall and Winter?

Fall has come with a touch of coolness in the air – with winter not far behind. Even in Houston and the surrounding cities, we experience a moderate change in the weather. As the leaves change and cooler temperatures creep in, homeowners begin contemplating covering outdoor AC window units and winterizing their homes.

However, consideration should also be given to winterizing your HVAC condenser. While this outdoor component was designed to withstand the worst weather conditions, it can also be compromised by several factors in the fall and winter when not in use. There are a few advantages and disadvantages to covering your AC unit. The professionals at Weeks have listed the most common issues:

Covering Outdoor AC Unit: CONs

  • Covering the entire condenser may actually trap dampness inside the unit – as a Houston fall can be both wet and muggy. Inside this component are electrical wiring and essential HVAC parts. A damp, humid interior can easily be compromised and affect the running of the HVAC.
  • Rodents and different animals look for cover from cruel winters and will sometimes seek refuge inside a covered condenser. This can lead to issues like chewed electrical wires and leaking Freon lines among other problems.
  • Most manufacturers don’t suggest covering your HVAC condenser. Forced air systems that work all year (as they sometimes do in Houston) are designed to withstand the elements and don’t always need a cover.

Most manufacturers don’t suggest covering your AC unit. Forced air systems that work all year are worked to withstand an outdoor climate and don’t need coverage.

Covering Outdoor AC Unit: PROs

  • It keeps your forced air system interior a little cleaner so it might run somewhat more productively when you use it again
  • A cover will keep fall leaves and other fall/winter detritus from coming inside the unit. Keeps water from straightforwardly laying on your loops and freezing, which could be harming.
  • A cover that guards the condenser, without touching the unit itself, such as a screen or wood box will keep the elements and animals away.

In the event that you do cover your climate control system, make sure you just cover the top to keep leaves and other detritus from falling inside the unit.

Call Weeks!

If you have any questions regarding your condenser and safety precautions during the fall and winter, don’t hesitate to contact us! Call 346-595-7575 to speak with a technician today!

Regular HVAC Maintenance: Why is it Important?

HVAC Maintenance

Numerous individuals take an interest in an HVAC framework, yet neglect to keep up legitimate upkeep. An HVAC framework is like that of a vehicle – it needs the best possible consideration and maintenance to work appropriately. An appropriately working HVAC framework is one that will save your home comfortable or cool for a long time to come, which is the reason HVAC maintenance is significant.

Cheaper Energy Costs

Setting aside cash is one of the primary reasons an individual ought to keep up their HVAC unit. An HVAC unit that is running productively, just as a home that is appropriately protected, implies less cash spent on power, warming and cooling costs. HVAC maintenance is additionally essential to forestall the need for major fixes or whole substitutions.

Better IAQ

An appropriately kept up HVAC unit won’t just keep a home warm or cool, but it will forestall issues with air quality. Clean channels and curls mean better relaxing for a whole family. An unmaintained HVAC unit is a favorable place for soil, mold, and microscopic organisms, all of which can cause or worsen respiratory issues for those living in the home or building.

Life of the Framework

The better an individual keeps up their HVAC unit, the more drawn out that unit will have the option to work well and give cooling and warming to a home or building. With appropriate HVAC maintenance, a unit can last well for more than 10 years. Considering the measure of cash an individual spends to introduce an HVAC unit, it bodes well they would need to keep that unit running admirably for as far as might be feasible.


Likewise, with the life of the framework, a very much kept up HVAC unit will run all the more productively. Exploration shows that messy or unmaintained units need to work 20% harder to create a similar measure of cooling or warming as an all-around looked after machine. Less vitality will be exhausted when it is running, which implies less weight on the parts of the machine. The less mileage on the machine implies basic maintenance throughout the spring and fall months. Maintenance will be a lot faster and smoother if an individual finds a way to keep a framework running fit as a fiddle.

Fewer Crisis Fixes

Most HVAC units may require crisis fixes every now and then. All around kept up units are less inclined to come up short during the long periods of hard use (June through September and December through Spring). Staying up with the latest on all investigations and maintenance checks implies less concern that the unit will separate when it is required the most.


In case of an issue, the part or segment being referred to might at present be under a warranty. This is another significant motivation to keep up an HVAC unit consistently. Keep a rundown of all guarantee lapse dates and check the parts preceding that date to guarantee there are no issues before it is past the point of no return. Parts under guarantee can regularly be fixed at no cost, besides the work charges that may emerge if property holders can’t fix or supplant parts alone.

To schedule important regular HVAC maintenance, call Weeks Service Company today!

How Long Does an Air Conditioner Last?

How Long Does an Air Conditioner Last?

Maybe you’re considering getting a new air conditioner, but you want to make sure it’s a lasting investment. Or, perhaps your current AC is on the fritz, and you’re trying to determine if it even approached the average AC lifespan. Either way, you’re wondering, How long does an air conditioner last? Factors like unit model, warranty, and maintenance frequency will play a role in the answer.


Longest-Lasting AC Units


The longest amount of time an air conditioner can last is 22 years. Of course, that’s under a very specific set of circumstances, including how often you cared for your unit. Here are the AC unit brands that will last you up to 22 years (around 20 years on average):


  • American Standard
  • Bryant/Carrier
  • Daikin
  • Heil
  • Maytag
  • Mitsubishi


From here, you’ll just need to consider your budget and your home’s needs before making a purchase. It’s best to consult with an HVAC technician first, so you can make an informed decision.


Best AC Warranties


Another factor that will determine how long your air conditioner will last is the warranty. The warranty will include repairs, replacements on parts, or even a complete unit replacement for a certain period of time. The warranty can help extend the life of the unit by ensuring that annual or even biannual maintenance is taken care of, at no additional cost.


The best AC warranties cover:


  • Parts for up to 10 (or even 12) years after purchase.
  • Unit replacement for up to 10 years after purchase.
  • A lifetime compressor guarantee.


Not all warranties will include all of these benefits—although if they did, you should sprint to catch that deal while it lasts. Again, an HVAC technician is going to be able to help you discern which warranties will help make your air conditioner last.


On-Time AC Maintenance & Tune-Ups


We saved the best for last: The number one factor in that can prolong the life of your air conditioner is on-time maintenance and tune-ups. There are certain things that you can do on your end to ensure your unit’s health, like replacing the air filter every month and dusting the air vents. However, there are other things that only a licensed HVAC professional can handle like cleaning the HVAC unit itself, cleaning clogs, repairing leaks, checking the pilot light, and more.


Annual AC maintenance is standard, but it’s not a bad idea to have someone come out twice a year. First, inspections and tune-ups aren’t nearly as much money as people assume that they will be. Second, your warranty could cover the cost of maintenance. It doesn’t hurt to check!


Have Questions? Call Weeks Service Co.


Now that we’ve answered the question, How long does an air conditioner last? and even answered inferred questions like, How can I prolong the life of my air conditioner, you may find that you have other questions about your air conditioner. Our friendly staff members are waiting by the phone for your call. Whether you have a general question or want to schedule service, reach out today!

The Best Time to Buy an HVAC System

The Best Time to Buy an HVAC System

Purchasing a new HVAC system is a big investment. Not only will it be with you for the unforeseeable future, but it’ll also cost a larger sum of money than you’re used to spending in your everyday life. Buying a new unit will require a little more research, which includes researching the best time to buy an HVAC system. Here’s how you know it’s the right time to purchase a new AC unit.


When the Deals Are Best


The best time to buy an HVAC system is when the deals are best. It’s no secret that manufacturers and HVAC companies (hi!) offer different rates based on supply and demand. You know it’s the right time to buy a new AC unit if the deal is within your budget. (Of course, we recommend doing your research about the unit itself too. Just because the price is right doesn’t mean the unit is right for your cooling needs. A licensed HVAC technician can help you make an informed decision.)


At the Turn of a New Season


Generally, homeowners only consider their cooling needs when the outside temperature is unbearably high. The trouble here is that if you wait until the need for a new unit is dire, then you’ll likely also be paying high prices. The best time to buy an HVAC system is at the turn of a new season—so replace your air conditioner in the spring and replace your heater in the fall.


Before It’s an Emergency


Similar to our previous point, homeowners also don’t really think about their cooling needs until they become an emergency—in other words, the AC unit isn’t cooling at all the outside temperature is 90 or higher. Because lots of people are making emergency calls to HVAC companies during this time, there will be a delay in installation (though, of course, the company wants to install the unit as quickly as possible). You can end your suffering before it starts this summer by buying a new HVAC system before it’s an emergency.


When Your Old Unit Won’t Cut It Anymore


Your AC unit shows signs of deterioration long before it goes ka-put. You won’t be able to recognize the signs because you haven’t been trained to (unless you’re an HVAC expert yourself, in which case we’re sorry for assuming). You should be scheduling annual AC tune-ups so that a specialist can assess the health of your unit. They’ll their give it a little love to ensure its longevity, recommend and then make repairs, or let you know that it’s time to get a new one.


Need a New HVAC System? Call Weeks Service Co.


If you’re in need of a new HVAC unit or you think you might be, it’s time to call the experts at Weeks Service Company. We can help you make an informed decision, and we can clue you in to our latest deals and specials. Call now to speak with one of our friendly representatives.


5 Tips to Get Your AC Summer Ready

5 Tips to Get Your AC Summer Ready

There isn’t much that can beat the sweltering heat of summer better than a good air-conditioned house. During the end of a frigid winter and throughout the mild spring it’s easy to forget that the air conditioner unit will likely be on for the majority of every day in just a few weeks, and that’s just to keep things comfortable! More than half of your energy bill usually goes to the air conditioner alone on those hot summer days. If your air conditioner isn’t ready for summer, your wallet might not be either! We’ll discuss some good tips and tricks to help keep your air conditioner running smoothly and efficiently so you don’t have to sweat the temperature or your budget! Here are 5 tips to get your AC summer ready.


1. Air Filters


By far the most DIY option available is the humble filter replacement. This isn’t quite done often enough by most owners, and it shows in terms of performance. Generally, the filters should be replaced every month during the summer to ensure smooth operation. These filters are generally located somewhere accessible, and typically on a removable panel that can be unscrewed or easily removed. If a permanent filter exists, rather than replace it you’d simply clean it before reinstallation.


2. Ductwork


A little less DIY, since your ductwork is in ceilings, floors, and walls. This is best done by a professional, if possible! You can clean registers and vents, but the majority of the work will be cleaning and drying ductwork that’s collected condensation, dust, and dander. Keeping these clean and dry will prevent mold and mildew, as well as other harmful bacteria, from spreading in your home as well as improve the efficiency of your HVAC system!


3. Condensate Lines


Sometimes the lines that carry moisture away from the unit can become clogged, when this happens the water can back up into the air conditioner unit and cause water damage to your home! Track down the exit point of and ensure that water is flowing out while the system is on. If not, contact a professional immediately! If it seems more like a trickle, you might have a partial clog that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.


4. Clean the Evaporator


If you see a foil-like wrapping on the top of your air conditioner, then the evaporator can be accessed and cleaned easily. You can simply remove the evaporator from the unit and clean it with a thick wire brush and replace it, then run the system to remove any debris or grime you might’ve missed.


5. Schedule an AC Tune-Up


On our list of tips to get your AC summer ready, this is the most important: Schedule a professional AC tune-up to ensure your AC is running smoothly before things get too heated.

Consider giving the professionals at Weeks a call to set up an appointment! They can go over all the basics and answer any questions you might have – as well as cover even more that isn’t mentioned here! The qualified and licensed technicians can make the air conditioning unit run like new and you won’t have to worry about buying replacement filters, installing, cleaning, or inspecting anything!

HVAC Maintenance Tips: Prevent Expensive HVAC Repairs

HVAC maintenance tips

You can prevent expensive HVAC repairs by regularly maintaining your HVAC unit. There are a few simple HVAC maintenance tips you can perform on your own, but it’s also important to know when it’s time to call in a professional HVAC technician. We’ve got the answers you need to give your HVAC unit a long and happy life. Here are some HVAC preventative maintenance tips you should know about:


DIY HVAC Maintenance Tips


If you’re experiencing some minor issues with your HVAC unit, then you can troubleshoot to determine the underlying cause by performing some simple DIY HVAC maintenance tips, like the ones below:


  • Replace your air filter every one to three months.
  • Check for air leaks around windows and exterior-facing doors to see if your airflow is leaking outside.
  • Clean around your outside HVAC unit to keep debris from blocking airflow.
  • Get a programmable thermostat to control the efficiency of your HVAC unit.
  • Consider replacing your home’s insulation to create more of a barrier between your home and the outdoors.
  • Clean your air vents to free up more airflow in your home.
  • Turn off your unit when the weather warrants it, so your HVAC system can enjoy a short break.


Professional HVAC Maintenance Services


There are some HVAC maintenance services that you won’t be able to do yourself. HVAC maintenance is more than just replacing filters and cleaning vents. It also entails further inspection of the unit, checking refrigerant levels, and knowing how to handle these chemicals properly. Not only is it dangerous to handle refrigerant for your HVAC unit, but it also illegal in some areas.


If you’ve already fulfilled the DIY HVAC maintenance checklist in the previous section, then call a licensed HVAC technician to have maintenance performed on your HVAC unit.


Here’s our professional HVAC maintenance checklist:


  • Inspect and tighten electrical connections.
  • Lubricate gears and moving parts in the HVAC unit.
  • Check drain line and clear condensation.
  • Inspect system controls.
  • Spot refrigerant leaks and replace refrigerant.
  • Measure amperage and voltage on blower motor.
  • Test thermostat for proper reading.
  • Check indoor coil.
  • Make sure safety devices are working properly.
  • Test capacitors.
  • Check on blade fan.
  • Inspect and clean ductwork.


Call Weeks Service Co. for HVAC Maintenance Services


If you have questions about HVAC maintenance cost, HVAC maintenance contract, or HVAC maintenance agreement, then don’t hesitate to call and speak with one of our friendly representatives. All Weeks Service Company employees are knowledgeable about HVAC units and all the services we offer.


Put your search for “HVAC maintenance near me” to rest. Call Weeks Service Co. today!

Regular AC Maintenance Tips

Air Conditioning: What Issues Regular AC Maintenance Can Resolve


Your air conditioning unit can seem like a mystery: sometimes it works the way you want it to and sometimes it doesn’t. If you’re not well versed in HVAC lingo, you may not even know where to start with air conditioning repair. Well, you may actually be able to jump the gun here because air conditioning preventative maintenance can keep your unit running more efficiently for longer, making air conditioning repair services unnecessary for the time being. Here are some issues regular AC maintenance can resolve:

Issues Regular AC Maintenance Can Resolve

  • AC is on but not cooling
  • Heater is on but not heating
  • Furnace is blowing cold air
  • Air conditioning is blowing warm air
  • The air in my home smells musty
  • Condensation is building on the HVAC unit
  • HVAC unit is making strange noises

Home AC Maintenance Checklist

Residential air conditioning maintenance is a methodical system performed by an HVAC professional using a checklist. At Weeks Service Co., these are the things we take into account when performing AC maintenance services:

  • Check the refrigerant levels in the AC
  • Inspect outdoor condenser coils
  • Check indoor evaporator units
  • Investigate condensate drains and drain pans
  • Examine outdoor fan motor and fan blades
  • Inspect indoor blower
  • Make sure compressor and refrigerant tubing are OK
  • Lubricate AC parts, as needed
  • Study electrical settings: controls, wires, connections, etc.
  • Look in ductwork for leaks and other issues
  • Perform general system test

Call Weeks for AC Maintenance Services

Anything to do with your air conditioning system can seem daunting, but don’t worry, our friendly Weeks Service Company representatives are here to help. If this blog didn’t clear up all your questions, please feel free to call our office for the other answers you’re looking for. We can help with questions about air conditioning service, AC maintenance cost, air conditioner maintenance schedule, and more.

Stop looking for “AC maintenance near me.” You’ve found what you were looking for! Call now to schedule a service with us.

4 Signs of Air Conditioner Failure

signs of air conditioner failure

You’ve probably thought about it— the day your trusted air conditioner finally gives out and you have to find a replacement. It’s a day you probably aren’t looking forward to because you most likely don’t want to deal with the frustration of finding a new AC system and getting it installed. However, you can make that dreaded day a little easier for you by being prepared. And the first step to being prepared for a total AC breakdown is by knowing about the signs of air conditioner failure. The team at Weeks Service Company is here to tell you how to know if your AC is failing, so you don’t have to carry on with a malfunctioning air conditioner that takes up your time and money.

 1. AC Is Not Blowing Cold Air

Your AC could be blowing warm air for a variety of reasons such as the ones listed below. You can fix these problems with the help of a professional. However, if your AC is consistently doing this, even after you consult a professional, your air conditioner might be signaling its incoming end.

  • Your Evaporator Coil is Freezing Up

A dirty evaporator coil or a dirty air filter can lead to your evaporator coil freezing up. To solve this problem, turn off your unit, replace the air filter if necessary and wait for the evaporator coil to thaw. If the freezing persists afterwards, get in touch with a professional.

  • There Is A Refrigerant Leak

Refrigerant is an important coolant present in your AC system which plays a vital role in cooling your home. If your AC is blowing warm air, there is a chance it might be low on refrigerant due to leakage. You will need to call a professional to refill the refrigerant in your AC system as refrigerant can be hazardous.

If your AC uses the R-22 refrigerant, it’s important for you to know that R-22 is being phased out (banned) because it is harmful to the ozone-layer. By next year, R-22’s production and import will become illegal in the United States. If you have been considering replacing your AC, now is the time to act.

  • Your Thermostat is On Heat

Your AC might be blowing warm air because of something as simple as your thermostat being left on heat. Check your thermostat to make sure it is on “cool” instead of “heat”. In addition, make sure the AC is set to “Automatic” instead of “Fan.”

2. Low Airflow

Low airflow coming from your AC could mean many things. It’s important not to jump to conclusions before trying everything out. Low air flow could be attributed to a dirty filter that just needs to be replaced. Low airflow could also be a sign of any leaks present in your AC’s ductwork. Sealing ductwork can be a dangerous task due to their hard-to-reach locations in the basement and attic, which is why it is best to contact a professional to inspect your ductwork.

Low airflow can also be a sign of a problematic compressor. The compressor in your AC system pressurizes the refrigerant to be pushed toward the condenser from the evaporator coil, changing refrigerant from hot, pressurized gas to cool liquid. Contact a professional you trust who can advise you on what you can do to deal with a malfunctioning compressor.

3. Recurring AC Breakdowns

This one is a no-brainer. If your AC is constantly blowing warm air, has low air flow or is consistently low on refrigerant, your AC might be signaling that something is failing. Recurring AC breakdowns could be a sign of poor maintenance, wrong AC size or poor installation. While you might need the help of a professional in finding the right AC size and proper installation, you can avoid frequent breakdowns by scheduling annual HVAC tune ups, changing your AC filter every 3 months at minimum, and checking in on your outdoor condenser once in a while.

4. Excessive Noise

Excessive noise is also one of the signs of air conditioner failure. A hissing or gurgling sound might indicate a leak in the refrigerant lines, while rattling might suggest that there is a loose item stuck within your AC’s fan. Squealing or screaming might be a sign of a problem with the compressor or an issue with the belt that connects the fan and motor.

Need A Professional? Contact Weeks Service Company!

There are many other signs of an air conditioner failing. Sometimes it’s just because your AC is too old and deteriorated and needs replacing. When you’re worried there’s something wrong with your AC, it’s important to contact a professional you trust who can give you sound advice. If you’re looking for experts in the League City area, look no further than Weeks Service Company! Give us a call at 346-595-7575 or fill out a service request form on our website.


Why is My Air Conditioner Leaking Water?

With the Houston heat and humidity increasing rapidly, the last thing you want to deal with is an air conditioner that is causing problems. We understand you would much rather be thinking about relaxing and making the most of what is left of summer.

But life happens and your AC might be showing signs of malfunctioning, like leaking water. This problem can be difficult to diagnose, especially if you’re new to HVAC maintenance. Luckily, the pros at Weeks Service Company know a thing or two about your AC system and can answer the age-old question: Why is my air conditioner leaking water?

1. Damaged Drain Pan

The drain pan is usually located underneath the indoor air handling unit. The indoor handling unit includes the evaporator coil, which is an important component of your AC system. During the process of air conditioning, warm indoor air blows over the evaporator coil that includes a cooling agent called refrigerant. The refrigerant in the coil absorbs the heat from the warm air which causes condensation or moisture to collect on the coil and drip into the drain pan.

This is our long-winded way of saying that the drain pan is important. It collects excess moisture but if the pan is damaged, old or cracked, condensate might be leaking through. If your drain pan has minor cracks, you can use epoxy glue to repair them. However, it’s better to simply replace the pan!

2. Dirty Air Filter

We cannot stress how important it is to consistently replace or clean your AC’s air filter. A clean air filter improves air flow as well as your indoor air quality. A clogged, dirty filter can reduce the efficiency of your AC and cause other problems such as a frozen evaporator coil.

When air is absorbed and blown past a dirty filter, it might carry the dirt and debris with it onto the coil. Over time, the dirt collecting on the evaporator coil can hinder the coil’s ability to absorb heat, causing it to freeze. The ice on the coil can melt and the moisture can leak excessively. To avoid this, be sure to replace your air filter 1-3 months depending on the climate you live in!

3. Clogged Condensate Line

If there isn’t an issue with your air filter or drain pan, you might want to check the condensate line. The condensate line is an important part of your AC system. When your AC absorbs warm air from your home, it also absorbs humidity. The excess humidity removed from your home eventually condenses and is drained out through the condensate line.

If your AC is leaking water, there is a chance that your condensate line (which is located near your outdoor condenser) is clogged by debris, algae or fungi. When the condensate line is clogged, excess moisture can’t move away from your HVAC system. Instead, it gets backed up into your home. You can try to remove the clog yourself by using a wet-dry vacuum ¼ inch smaller than the pipe opening.

Need A Professional? Contact Weeks Service Company!

No matter what the cause, a leaking and malfunctioning air conditioner isn’t fun, especially in this hot weather. If you think your AC is giving you any problems, just give Weeks Service Company a shout! Our team of knowledgeable technicians will be able to solve any problems your home has, so you can be a relaxed homeowner this summer. Call us today at 346-595-7575 or schedule a service online!