Month: March 2024

5 Tips for Properly Flushing Your Water Heater

The importance of your water heater cannot be overstated, as it serves a vital role in supplying hot water for a range of household tasks, including showers and dishwashing. Unfortunately, sediment accumulation in the tank can diminish its efficiency and potentially cause harm over time. Flushing the water heater, and other maintenance tasks, is crucial to guarantee peak performance and enhance its longevity. In this blog, we will discuss the top five tips for appropriately flushing your water heater.

1. Turn Off the Heater and Gas Supply

Before starting the flushing process, ensure the water heater is turned off. For electric water heaters, switch off the circuit breaker, and for gas water heaters, turn the thermostat to “off”. Additionally, shut off the gas supply to the heater. This step is crucial for your safety and prevents the heating elements from functioning during the flushing procedure.

2. Allow the Water to Cool

Flushing a hot water heater can be dangerous if the water inside is scalding. To avoid burns and injuries, allow the water in the heater to cool down before starting the flushing process. This may take a few hours, so plan accordingly. Safety should always be a top priority when performing any maintenance on your water heater.

3. Connect a Hose and Drain the Tank

Locate the drain valve, which can be found at the bottom of the water heater. After you do that, connect a garden hose to it. Ensure the other end of the hose is positioned where the hot water can safely drain without causing damage. Open the pressure relief valve on top of the tank to allow air to enter, facilitating a smooth flow of water. Once connected, open the drain valve and let the water flow out until it runs clear. This process helps eliminate sediment and debris that may have settled at the bottom of the tank.

4. Turn on a Hot Water Faucet

Next, turn on a hot water faucet closest to your water heater and keep it turned on until the entire flushing process is complete. This will help relieve pressure and also help your tank drain faster. 

5. Close the Drain Valve and Refill the Tank 

After you’ve finished flushing the tank, and have confirmed the water is running clear, you can close the drain valve, remove the garden hose, and fill the tank. It’s important at this point that you ensure the cold water supply valve is turned on. Once it is, the tank should begin to refill. Keep your faucet turned on for the time being to allow for the release of any trapped air. When the faucet is running at full pressure with a smooth water flow, you can turn it off. This is a good indication that the tank is full once again.  

Pro Tip: Perform a Full Flush Annually

To maintain your water heater’s efficiency and extend its lifespan, it’s recommended to perform a full flush at least once a year. Regular flushing prevents sediment buildup and ensures that your water heater operates at peak performance. Additionally, an annual flush reduces the risk of corrosion within the tank, which can lead to leaks and other issues.

Contact Weeks Service Company for All Your Water Heater Needs in League City, TX and the Surrounding Areas

Effectively flushing your water heater is a straightforward yet impactful method to uphold its efficiency and extend its lifespan. Adhering to these five recommendations ensures that your water heater consistently delivers hot water with reliability and efficiency. Engaging in regular maintenance not only results in long-term cost savings but also enhances the safety and comfort of your home. Dedicate the time to attend to your water heater, and it will reciprocate with years of dependable service. For all your water heater maintenance, repair, replacement, and installation needs, Weeks Service Company is the one to call!

Spring HVAC Maintenance: Common Issues to Watch Out For

Spring is the perfect time to give your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system some much-needed attention. Spring HVAC maintenance is essential to ensure your system operates efficiently and reliably throughout the upcoming warmer months. In this blog, we’ll explore common issues that homeowners should watch out for during their spring HVAC maintenance routine.

1. Air Filter Replacement

Problem: Dirty and clogged air filters obstructing airflow.

Solution: One of the simplest yet crucial tasks in HVAC maintenance is replacing the air filter. Over time, filters can get blocked and clogged with dust, pollen, and other contaminants, reducing the system’s efficiency and indoor air quality. Regularly replacing or cleaning the filter helps maintain optimal airflow and also prevents strain on the system.

2. Ductwork Inspection

Problem: Your ducts are leaky and/or damaged.

Solution: Leaky or damaged ducts can significantly impact the performance of your HVAC system. During spring maintenance, carefully inspect the ductwork for any visible signs of wear, tear, or leaks. Sealing and insulating ducts can improve energy efficiency and ensure that conditioned air reaches its intended destination without escaping.

3. Thermostat Calibration

Problem: Your thermostat isn’t properly set for the changing of seasons.

Solution: As you transition from heating to cooling, it’s essential to calibrate your thermostat for the new season. Ensure that the thermostat is accurate and responsive. You may even want to consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat if that’s not something you’ve done already. Programming temperature settings based on your schedule can lead to energy savings and enhanced comfort.

4. Condensate Drain Cleaning

Problem: The condensate drain is clogged.

Solution: The condensate drain is responsible for removing moisture produced by your HVAC system. Over time, algae, mold, and debris can accumulate in the drain, leading to clogs. A clogged condensate drain can cause several problems, such as water damage and a decrease in system efficiency. Regularly clean the drain to prevent these issues.

5. Outdoor Unit Inspection

Problem: Debris has accumulated around your outdoor unit, which hinders the airflow.

Solution: Spring is an opportune time to inspect the outdoor unit (condenser) of your HVAC system. Clear away any debris, such as twigs, leaves, or grass clippings, that may have gathered around the unit. Ensure there is ample space for proper airflow, as restricted airflow can lead to overheating and system malfunctions.

6. Refrigerant Levels Check

Problem: You have low refrigerant levels in your AC system.

Solution: For air conditioning systems, checking refrigerant levels is crucial. Low refrigerant levels can cause reduced cooling efficiency and potential compressor damage. If you notice a decline in your unit’s cooling performance or hear hissing sounds, it’s advisable to consult a professional to assess and replenish refrigerant levels.

7. Inspect Electrical Components

Problem: There are loose or damaged wires on your HVAC unit.

Solution: Examine all electrical components, including wiring, connections, and capacitors. Loose or damaged wires can be hazardous and may result in system malfunctions. If you’re not comfortable checking these components yourself, it’s best to seek the assistance of a qualified HVAC technician.

Contact Weeks Service Company for All Your HVAC Maintenance Needs in League City, TX and the Surrounding Areas

Spring HVAC maintenance is an essential investment in the longevity and efficiency of your heating and cooling system. By addressing these common issues, you can enjoy a comfortable and energy-efficient home throughout the warmer months. Regular maintenance not only extends the life of your HVAC system but also helps you identify and resolve potential problems before they worsen into much bigger issues. Don’t neglect your HVAC system – give it the care it deserves this spring! Schedule your HVAC maintenance with the pros at Weeks Service Company today.