Author: Weeks

Are Your Plumbing Pipes Ready For Winter?

Are Your Plumbing Pipes Ready For Winter?

No matter where you live and how severe your winters are, it’s always a good idea to be proactive in making sure you plumbing pipes are ready. Here in League City, TX, winters are generally fairly mild compared to the rest of the country. However, there are still a few things you can do to make sure your plumbing pipes are ready for the cooler months ahead.

1. Insulate Your Pipes

Because cold winter’s are very common here in this part of the country, you’ve likely never thought much about insulating your pipes. However, no matter the climate, insulating your pipes is an easy way to help prevent freezing during those especially colder spells. You should insulate pipes in all unheated areas of the home, such as your attic, garage, basement and crawlspace. Not only does insulating your pipes prevent freezing, but it can also help keep your hot water hot much longer.

2. Shut Off Outdoor Faucets

Are you starting to store away patio furniture and garden tools for the rest of the year? While you’re at it, don’t forget to also shut off all outdoor faucets. First, let your outdoor faucets drain out any excess water, turn it off at the shutoff valve, and remove all connected hoses. This is one of the best ways you can help prevent damage to your water lines this winter. While shutting off outdoor faucets, don’t forget to also drain garden hoses and cover the hose bibs.

3. Prepare For Vacation

Planning on heading out of town for the winter? Make sure you don’t come back to a plumbing nightmare! Some things you can do to prepare for your upcoming vacation include: check for pipe leaks around your home, shut off the main water valve if you plan to be away for a while, and don’t turn off your thermostat completely. If you turn off your thermostat entirely, you could risk coming home to frozen pipes if your home gets cold enough. Another idea is to have a neighbor check in on your house periodically.

4. Inspect Your Furnace

Did you know that your furnace plays an important role in preparing your plumbing pipes for winter? In the event that your furnace fails and you have no heat in your home, your pipes could potentially freeze and burst if the temperature inside gets cool enough. The best way to prevent any breakdowns with your furnace this winter is to have it inspected by a professional annually.

Let’s Get Your Plumbing Pipes Ready For Winter! Contact Weeks Service Company In League City, TX and Surrounding Areas Today!

Since 1972, Weeks Service Company has been providing quality, professional plumbing services to people in League City, Houston, and the surrounding areas. Our technicians are experts in all things plumbing. Give Weeks Service Company a call today to schedule an appointment with one of our highly-trained and certified technicians. You can reach us at 281-738-1362 or contact us online here.

Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions For Your Plumbing System

It’s a new year, and a time to develop new habits, set new goals, and come up with new ideas. We often take this time to think of New Year’s resolutions we wish to set for ourselves, but have you thought about making some resolutions for your plumbing system? Here are the top 5 New Year’s resolutions you should consider for your plumbing system.

1. Address Leaks Right Away

Do you have any relatively minor leaks you’ve put off fixing? Some leaks get forgotten about because they don’t interfere with your day-to-day life. However, even small leaks can cause major damage as they get bigger. To avoid high water bills and potential water damage, it’s a good idea to have all leaks fixed right away.

2. Keep Your Garbage Disposal In Good Shape

Keeping yourself in good shape shouldn’t be your only New Year’s resolution. Also consider how you can keep your garbage disposal in good shape! Make sure you know what can and cannot go down your drains. For example, never put items like grease, oil, fat, coffee grounds, bones, poultry skins, fibrous foods, or eggshells down your drain. Your garbage disposal isn’t designed to be a replacement for a trash can, and can only chop off small bits of certain types of food. It’s also a good idea to take this time to purchase some drain strainers to help you catch any food scraps before they accidentally get put down the drain.

3. Prevent Toilet Clogs

Toilets were really designed to only handle two things and two things only: toilet paper and waste. Anything other than those two things have no business going in your toilet. Items such as paper towels, hair, garbage, toys, cotton balls, and feminine hygiene products should be disposed of in the trash. Even “flushable” wipes aren’t all that safe because they’re harder to disintegrate and don’t break down as easily as toilet paper, which can lead to clogs in our pipes and sewage systems.

4. Be More Eco-Friendly

Start the new year off by helping out the environment! A small task like turning the water off while brushing your teeth could save you thousands of gallons of water every year. Other things you can do to be more eco-friendly with your water usage is:

  • Turn the sink off while washing dishes
  • Don’t run a load of dishes until the dishwasher is completely full
  • Don’t run a load of laundry until the washer is completely full
  • Fix leaks right away
  • Take shorter showers

5. Schedule A Plumbing Inspection

Last but not least, one of the best New Year’s resolutions you can make for your plumbing system is to schedule routine plumbing inspections. It’s like a doctors appointment for your plumbing! Inspections will help ensure that everything is in great working order all year long. Your plumber will check for leaks, clear your drains, and let you know of any concerns that you should be paying close attention to.

Contact Weeks Service Company Today For All Your Plumbing Needs In League City, TX and Surrounding Areas!

Since 1972, Weeks Service Company has been providing quality, professional plumbing services to people in League City, Houston, and the surrounding areas. Give Weeks Service Company a call today to schedule an appointment with one of our highly-trained and certified technicians. You can reach us at 281-738-1362 or contact us online here.

Light Up The Holidays: Follow These 6 Electrical Safety Tips

‘Tis the season to pull out all the holiday décor from storage and begin decorating. When it comes to your holiday lights, you need to make sure you’re practicing safety at all times. Avoid a nightmare before Christmas with these 6 electrical safety tips!

1. Use The Right Extension Cords

Cords that are labeled for “indoor use only” should be used only inside and those labeled “outdoor use only” should be used only outside. It is a safety hazard to use indoor extension cords outside and could lead to sparking, fire and shock. Keep this in mind when hanging lights this holiday season.

2. Throw Out Damaged Cords

Before you start hanging up holiday lights this year, make sure you inspect the cords for any signs of damage. Make sure there are no frayed or bare wires, or loose connections either. If you notice any that are damaged or frayed, throw them out and get new ones. You should never use lights or cords that have damage.

3. Don’t Overload Circuits

Don’t be like the Griswold family this year! Refrain from plugging in too many lights into a single circuit because this can cause a dangerous overload. The last thing you want to deal with is a blown circuit or even a fire while just getting into the holiday spirit.

4. Use Plastic Hooks To Hang Lights

Try avoiding hanging cords with nails, tacks, or staples this year – and use plastic hooks or insulated clip hangers instead. Nails, tacks, and staples can not only cause damage to your roof, but it can also cause damage to your electrical cords by puncturing the light strands. This can be quite the electrical hazard.

5. Keep Your Tree Hydrated

Do you have a live Christmas tree this year? Make sure you’re keeping it well-watered and hydrated. This will help prevent fire hazards when your lights are turned on, as lights can generate heat. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) did a live Christmas tree burn to show how quickly a dried out tree fire burns, as compared to a well-watered tree.

6. Turn Off Lights When You Leave

Your holiday lights have the potential to overheat, which is why you never want to leave them turned on when you’re not home or when you go to sleep. Make sure you’re turning off all indoor and outdoor holiday lights to be on the safe side. Even though LED lights are much cooler, they can still overheat, so even if you have LED lights, still make sure they’re turned off.

Did You Find These Holiday Electrical Safety Tips Helpful? Contact Weeks Service Company Today For All Your Electrical Needs In League City, TX and Surrounding Areas!

Since 1972, Weeks Service Company has been providing quality, professional electrical services to people in League City, Houston, and the surrounding areas. Give Weeks Service Company a call today to schedule an appointment with one of our highly-trained and certified technicians. You can reach us at 281-738-1362 or contact us online here.

Is Your Furnace Ready For Winter?

Winter is quickly approaching. Is your furnace ready for it? There are many things you can do to get your furnace ready for the colder months to come.

1. Change Your Air Filters

One of the easiest yet most forgotten tasks is to change your air filters. When your filter gets dirty and clogged, it restricts airflow and causes your heating unit to work harder to pull air through. Make sure you are changing them every 1-3 months to avoid putting added stress on your furnace.

2. Reverse Your Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans aren’t just beneficial in the summertime. In fact, they work great in the winter when used correctly. Set your fans to spin clockwise. This will create a gentle updraft that’ll recirculate the heat downwards, keeping your room warmer. How does this help your furnace? When you’re using your ceiling fan in conjunction with your furnace, you can save roughly 10% on heating costs because you’ll be able to use your furnace less.

3. Test It Out

Your furnace has likely been lying dormant all summer long. Turn it on before winter comes around to make sure it’s working properly. If you’ve turned it on a couple times and notice anything strange, such as unusual sounds, smells, weak airflow or no heat at all, then contact your local HVAC contractor for an inspection/

4. Clean The Heat Exchanger

Have a professional come inspect your heat exchanger for any signs of damage, cracks, or leaks, as these are the number one cause of carbon monoxide leaks. By cleaning and checking your heat exchanger, you can make sure you don’t have any carbon monoxide leaks putting you and your family’s lives at risk.

5. Inspect Your Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Speaking of carbon monoxide, make sure your carbon monoxide detectors are working. They alert you when there’s any signs of carbon monoxide leaks in your home so you can get out and avoid poisoning. Because carbon monoxide is an odorless, invisible gas, it’s known as the “silent killer.” Having a working carbon monoxide detector can save a life.

6. Check Your Thermostat

Before winter arrives, make sure your thermostat shows that your home is heating up when you kick on your furnace. There might be something wrong with your thermostat if you don’t see this. If that’s the case, you’ll want to contact a professional to come out and repair it for you. If your thermostat is working as it should, now is the time to set it to the temperature you want this winter.  According to the Department of Energy, you can easily save energy in the winter by setting your thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. 

7. Schedule Furnace Maintenance

One of the best ways you can ensure your furnace is ready for winter is to schedule furnace maintenance. In fact, you should have your furnace maintained once a year. Schedule furnace maintenance in early fall to make sure it’s ready in time for the colder temperature.

Contact Weeks Service Company Today For All Your Furnace Needs In League City, TX and Surrounding Areas!

Since 1972, Weeks Service Company has been providing quality, professional heating services to people in League City, Houston, and the surrounding areas. Give Weeks Service Company a call today to schedule an appointment with one of our highly-trained and certified technicians. You can reach us at 281-738-1362 or contact us online here.

Electrical Safety Tips For Thanksgiving: Avoid An Emergency This Holiday

Safety should be the key ingredient in your Thanksgiving festivities this year. Keep your family safe with this simple recipe for electrical safety. Here are 5 ways to avoid an electrical emergency this holiday.

1. Test Your Smoke Alarms

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the majority of home house fires occur on Thanksgiving more than any other tine of year. Be prepared by making sure your smoke alarms are in good, working order before the big dinner. If they aren’t working, change the batteries out. You should plan to test your smoke alarms monthly and replace batteries at least every year. In the event of a fire, make sure you have an emergency plan already set in place with your family so you know what to do in case you need to evacuate.

2. Test Your Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide detectors are just as important as your smoke alarms. Carbon monoxide is known as the “silent killer” because it’s a completely odorless, invisible gas that has the ability to be very harmful and even deadly. Many different things can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, such as a faulty water heater, furnace, boiler, fireplace, or anything that burns gas. Making sure your carbon monoxide detectors work can save a life this Thanksgiving.

3. Don’t Leave The Stove Unattended

You will be juggling a lot of different plates on Thanksgiving – literally. However, it’s important to remember to never leave your stove unattended. If a pet or a kid touches boiling hot food, pulls on an electric cord, or accidentally knocks a flammable object onto your stove, it can cause a fire or serious injury. Keep children at least three feet from your stove at all times, and make sure no electrical cords are hanging off the counter where pets and kids can easily grab at them.

4. Plug All Countertop Appliances Into GFCI Outlets

GFCI stands for ground fault circuit interrupter. These outlets should be installed wherever electricity and water could come into contact, such as in your kitchen. They’re designed to protect you from electric shock. If the GFCI outlet senses any imbalances in electric current, it will automatically shut off and cut off power to that outlet. To be safe this Thanksgiving, make sure all countertop appliances are plugged into GFCI outlets. It can protect you and your family from electric shock and electrocution.

5. Use Flameless Candles

Candles do make a beautiful addition to your Thanksgiving table display. However, if you have people reaching across the table to grab food, they can easily be knocked over by hands and elbows. To avoid a fire hazard, consider using flameless candles for your table display instead.

Did You Find These Electrical Safety Tips Helpful? Contact Weeks Service Company Today For All Your Electrical Needs In League City, TX and Surrounding Areas!

Since 1972, Weeks Service Company has been providing quality, professional electrical services to people in League City, Houston, and the surrounding areas. Give Weeks Service Company a call today to schedule an appointment with one of our highly-trained and certified technicians. You can reach us at 281-738-1362 or contact us online here.

Top 4 Spooky Plumbing Noises You Shouldn’t Ignore

With Halloween right around the corner, and all the haunted houses and scary movies out there, you might already be feeling on edge. There’s nothing quite like spooky plumbing noises to really send you over the edge, though. They can be especially scary if you have no idea where they’re coming from and what’s causing them. Here are the top 4 spooky plumbing noises you shouldn’t ignore, what they mean, and what actions you can take to resolve this issue once and for all.

1. Gurgling Toilet

No, there’s not a monster in your home! More than likely, you’re hearing gurgling as a result of a backed-up or clogged sewer line that has cracks in it. When this happens, the tools and expertise from a professional is required. It’s not something that can be easily done yourself. Most of the time, these clogs are buried deep down in your system. Contact a plumber if you notice your toilet gurgling this season.

2. Whistling Shower

A whistling shower can sound pretty terrifying. Usually, this means you have unwanted buildup in your pipes that needs to be addressed. If a pipe gets clogged by this buildup of mineral deposits, it will make a whistling sound as water tries to push through your showerhead. Try cleaning your showerhead to get rid of unwanted sediment buildup. Another way to avoid this issue in the future is to install a water softener.

3. Hissing Fixtures

Are your fixtures hissing at you? Yikes. If your water fixtures are hissing, it could mean your water pressure is too high. Not only can this lead to high water bills if not addressed, but it can also cause stress on your pipes and reduce their lifespan. Make sure to take care of it right away if you notice your water fixtures hissing.

4. Rattling or Banging Pipes

Usually, if you hear a rattling or banging sound, it’s likely due to what we call “water hammer.” This means you have a blocked vent pipe. If you don’t deal with water hammer, it could cause erosion and damage to the pipes, valves and fittings. Needless to say, it’s not something you want to put off fixing, as it could lead to your pipes bursting. While this is a common cause, it’s not the only cause of the rattling or banging sound you may be hearing. It could also mean there’s been a sudden change in water pressure or a loose component is somewhere in your plumbing.

Contact Weeks Service Company Today For All Your Plumbing Needs In League City, TX and Surrounding Areas!

Since 1972, Weeks Service Company has been providing quality, professional plumbing services to people in League City, Houston, and the surrounding areas. Our technicians are experts in all things plumbing. Give Weeks Service Company a call today to schedule an appointment with one of our highly-trained and certified technicians. You can reach us at 281-738-1362 or contact us online here.

6 Plumbing Maintenance Tips For Fall: A Homeowner’s Guide

Fall is the season for apple cider, pumpkin everything, sweaters, and more! However, it’s also the season of changes. Changes in the color of the leaves and changes in the weather, just to name a couple. With the weather starting to cool down, it’s a good time to start preparing your plumbing for what’s to come. Your plumbing can take quite the hit come winter when it gets much colder. Here are the top 6 plumbing maintenance tips for fall that every homeowner should know.

1. Drain Your Outdoor Faucets

Before winter comes around, make sure you drain all outdoor faucets and disconnect all garden hoses from outdoor spigots. If you live in a climate that experiences freezing temperatures, this will help prevent water from freezing and your pipes from bursting.

2. Insulate Your Pipes

If temperatures get below freezing, your pipes could pay the ultimate price. Get ahead and take preventative measures to protect your pipes from bursting. Any pipes that are located in non-heated areas, such as your garage or basement, should be insulated.

3. Flush Your Water Heater

Water heaters work a lot harder in the fall and winter because it needs to try maintaining high temperatures when the air around your tank is much colder. By flushing it, you are helping remove any sediment build-up that could cause a reduction in heating efficiency.

4. Check Your Sump Pump

Your sump pump is responsible for pumping rainwater away from your home and foundation in order to protect you from experiencing water damage and flooding. Fall is the best time to check on your sump pump to make sure it’s in good working condition and didn’t incur any damages over the spring and summer. If you find it’s not working properly, it may be time to look into a replacement.

5. Clean Your Gutters

Fall and winter bring more moisture and rainfall than any other time of year, which can really wreak havoc on your gutters. Improper draining due to clogged or blocked gutters can cause water damage to your home or plumbing system. Cleaning your gutters will remove any leaves, twigs, and other debris that may have accumulated over the spring and summer.

6. Schedule Plumbing Maintenance

One of the best things you can do for your plumbing system is schedule plumbing maintenance with a professional. A professional will help you catch problems early on, provide details about your plumbing system, and offer solutions to fix any problems that were spotted during the inspection.

Contact Weeks Service Company Today To Schedule Your Plumbing Maintenance In League City, TX and Surrounding Areas!

Since 1972, Weeks Service Company has been providing quality, professional plumbing services to people in League City, Houston, and the surrounding areas. Our technicians are experts in all things plumbing and can help make sure everything is in good working order for you this fall. Give Weeks Service Company a call today to schedule an appointment with one of our highly-trained and certified technicians. You can reach us at 281-738-1362 or contact us online here.

What Is A Surge Protector and How Does it Work?

What Is A Surge Protector and How Does it Work?

Power surges are a sudden spike in the voltage of electricity that runs in and through your home. A power surge can be caused by a number of things, including lightning, a downed power line, faulty or damaged wiring, turning high-powered electrical devices on and off, and more. A lot of people are under the impression that most power surges occur outside the home when a lot, in fact, happen inside the home. However, with a surge protector, you can prevent surges from causing damage. There are many reasons why homeowners turn to surge protectors today. Learn more about what a surge protector is, how it works, and the benefits of having one installed.

What Is A Surge Protector?

A surge protector is exactly what it sounds like: a device that protects your home and electrical appliances from damaging surges. Surge protectors are the best way to protect your property from power surges. They usually connect to the fuse box in your home, preventing any surges that come in from outdoor or indoor sources. Some of the benefits of a surge protector include:

  • Prevents damage to your equipment and loss of important data
  • Insurance companies recommend it
  • It’s cheaper than paying an insurance deductible
  • They help reduce maintenance costs

A surge protector is a must-have for any home that has expensive electronics and appliances. If you have computers, TVs, HVAC units, dryers, and more, then a surge protector is recommended. While we talk a lot about how this device can help protect your electronics and appliances in the event of a power surge, they do a lot more than that. They can also help extend the lifespan of your valuable equipment.

How Does It Work?

When a sudden increase in voltage takes place and rises above the accepted level, a surge protector will detect the extra current and suppress it so it can’t cause any harm to your home’s appliances or electronics. They absorb the excess voltage and divert it to your home’s ground wiring. But what does that mean, exactly? To put it simply, a surge protector will transfer the extra voltage away from your device and put it safely in the ground. Because surge protectors absorb up to thousands of volts from power surges, they really prevent significant damage and fires. This means not only do they provide peace of mind, comfort, and safety, but they also save you money in the long run.

Interested In Installing A Surge Protector In Your Home? Contact Weeks Service Company Today For All Your Surge Protection Needs In League City, TX and Surrounding Areas!

Since 1972, Weeks Service Company has been providing quality, professional electrical services to people in League City, Houston, and the surrounding areas. Our technicians are experts in the latest surge protection technology and can help install protection in your home today. Give Weeks Service Company a call today to schedule an appointment with one of our highly-trained and certified technicians. You can reach us at 281-738-1362 or contact us online here.


Top 6 Plumbing Tips For Babyproofing Your Bathroom

September is Baby Safety Month. We all know that curious little kids love to get into anything and everything. When left alone, it can be especially dangerous if they get into something they’re not supposed to. Here are the top 6 plumbing tips for babyproofing your bathroom so you can have peace of mind and comfort knowing your tiny tot isn’t in harm’s way.

1. Lock The Toilet Seat

Toilets can be a fun place for small children. After all, they get to throw toys and other objects in this big bowl of water. Even the smallest toy, however, can cause a clog. Not to mention, if your child tries going after the toy they threw in there, they could end up falling in and drowning. Overall, toilets might be a fun play area for your baby, but it certainly can also be a dangerous one. Getting a lock for the toilet is a great way to prevent clogs from foreign objects, as well as prevent your child from getting seriously injured.

2. Buy A Non-Slip Bath Mat

Bath tub accidents are scary, and they can happen in the blink of an eye. Wet feet moving around on tile flooring can cause accidental slips. Putting a non-slip bath mat at the bottom of your tub will help prevent your child from falling and hurting themselves.

3. Install A Doorknob Cover

Babies and toddlers can be sneaky, and move quickly when you’re not looking. To prevent them from even entering the bathroom in the first place, add a doorknob cover to your door. This childproof cover is easy for an adult to turn, but extremely difficult for a little kid to figure out on their own.

4. Remove Dangerous Objects

We all have cleaning supplies and other dangerous items under our sinks that we wouldn’t want our kids digging through and opening. Consider moving those items and placing them out of reach. This also goes for items such as hair dryers and curling irons. Putting them out of reach will ensure your child doesn’t accidentally turn them on and hurt themselves. To take it one step further, put locks on your cabinets. This way, your child can’t open the cabinets even if they tried.

5. Get Anti-Scald Devices

Burn-prevention devices are great to have in the home. They can save your child from turning on the faucet and getting burnt from the scalding hot water that comes out. If your baby is old enough to start climbing up on counters, now is a good time to look at getting anti-scald devices.

6. Cover Your Drains

Kids can lodge small toys and objects down sinks and tub drains. Unfortunately, this can create clogs and backups and even lead to flooding if not taken care of quickly. Installing drain covers is a great way to ensure your child doesn’t have the opportunity to lodge any small items down your drains.

Looking To Babyproof Your Home? Contact Weeks Service Company Today For All Your Plumbing Needs In League City, TX and Surrounding Areas!

Since 1972, Weeks Service Company has been providing quality, professional plumbing services to people in League City, Houston, and the surrounding areas. Give Weeks Service Company a call today to schedule an appointment with one of our highly-trained and certified technicians. You can reach us at 281-738-1362 or contact us online here.

4 Smart Ways A Programmable Thermostat Can Save You Money

A programmable thermostat can not only help improve your indoor comfort, but it can also save you money – when used correctly, of course. There are 8 smart ways you can save money by installing a programmable thermostat in your League City, TX home.

1. Create A Regular Schedule Automatically

With a programmable thermostat, you can create a regular heating and cooling schedule. You can do this by programming your thermostat to a certain temperature before you go to bed, or before you leave the house for the day. The beauty of a programmable thermostat is you can do this without having to constantly be adjusting your thermostat. You can set your thermostat to automatically create this schedule for you so you’re always comfortable, while saving money and energy.

2. Adjust The Temperature In Your Home By Zones

Do you have areas of your home that aren’t occupied? Do you and your family fight over the temperature? With a programmable thermostat, you can heat and cool only the areas that you want. This added flexibility allows you to maintain comfortable temperatures in certain parts of your home, without having the heat and cool the entire house. By not heating and cooling areas of your home that aren’t occupied or used as much, you can save a lot on energy expenses.

3. Be Told When An HVAC Maintenance Is Needed

Technology has come a long ways! Most programmable thermostats these days give you the option to be alerted when your HVAC unit needs a tune-up or when your air filters need to be changed. When you maintain your HVAC unit, you can help improve your indoor air quality, extend the lifespan of your unit, and reduce wear and tear. All of these things can help you save money in the long run.

4. Control It From Afar

Let’s say you’re away from home and are going to be longer than you thought. Or, maybe you decided to stay an extra night at the cabin you rented for you and your families summer vacation. Whatever the case may be, many programmable thermostats offer the ability to have Wi-Fi connectivity. This allows you to make adjustments to your temperature even when you’re not home. If you get a programmable thermostat that connects with your Wi-Fi network, you can download the app on your phone and control the temperature of your home no matter where you are in the world.

Contact Weeks Service Company Today For All Your Programmable Thermostat Needs In League City, TX and Surrounding Areas!

Since 1972, Weeks Service Company has been providing quality, professional HVAC and thermostat services to people in League City, Houston, and the surrounding areas. Give Weeks Service Company a call today to schedule an appointment with one of our highly-trained and certified technicians. You can reach us at 281-738-1362 or contact us online here.